1. 投资方的注册证明(营业执照)复印件或者个人护照复印件都须经当地公证机构公证同时经中华人民共和国驻当地使馆认证,一式两份。
copy of register certificate (or business license of investors) or copy of individual passport should be notarized by local notarization institute., meanwhile, authenticated by local embassy of P.R.C. in duplicate.
2. 投资方法人代表身份证明复印件
One copy of identification card (or passport) of the juridical person
One copy of identification card (or passport) of directorate members and general manager (vice one) of the new enterprise. Everyone’s resume, address and telephone number will be needed. Each one should prepare four personal photos in use.
Two copies of Appointment and Authority contracts should be signed by the juridical person of investor
Two bank financial credit certificate of investors (original copy needed),and two bank deposit certificate (original copy needed)
One copy of identification card (or passport) of the person authorized is needed
7. 新公司投资总额、注册资本、经营年限、经营范围、出资期限 Capital total amount, registered capital, business term, business scope, capital term.
. Prepare the following documents
1 - 新公司:董事会成员名单
New company: Member list of the board of the directors. 2 - 新公司:董事会成员的委派书 监事委派书 三份
New company: 3 copies of the appointment letters of the board members and the supervisor
3 - 新公司:监事 董事会成员的 1)护照 2)简历
New company: Passport and resume of the board members and supervisors 4 - 新公司:公司章程及其附件
New company: Articles of association and its appendix 5 - 新公司:可行性研究报告
New company: Feasibility report 6- 新公司:法人代表2寸照片
New company: 2-inch photo of legal person 7- 新公司:公司董事会成员和高级管理人员的身份证明(或护照复印件),简历,住址,联系电话。
-New company: Copies of ID or passport/resume/address/contact No. of the board members and advanced managers
8-新公司: 投资总额、注册资本、经营年限、经营范围、出资期限
New company: Total amount of the investment, registered capital, business term, business scope, capital term. 9- 其它需要提供的文件
New company: other documents